My Story
As a child, I was often sick and had a weak immune system. I received all the vaccines and went through multiple rounds of antibiotics, both oral and intramuscular. I was hospitalized a few times and eventually had my tonsils removed. Puberty hit, but I got my first period later than most girls, at 14 and a half. For about a year, everything was normal, and then I began experiencing severe menstrual bleeding and hormonal imbalances. My cycle had to be controlled with artificial hormones. I tried herbal remedies, but any significant stress would trigger prolonged bleeding episodes that sometimes lasted for months. This led to anemia and exhaustion, and I ended up in the hospital a few times due to hormonal imbalances. I also developed ovarian cysts and, eventually, migraines. One doctor even told me I would never have children.
When I moved to the Netherlands, I got married and decided to undergo hormonal tests. My prolactin levels were abnormally high, with no clear cause.
A year later, in 2000, I became pregnant with my first son after receiving injections to stimulate ovulation and conception. The pregnancy wasn’t entirely natural, but it went relatively smoothly. My son was born healthy, weighing 4.5 kg. After the birth, I developed psoriasis.
Later on, I had eye surgery. My vision had always been poor since I was six. I now have Artisan silicone lenses implanted over my natural lenses.
In the meantime, I noticed increasing sensitivity to scents and chemicals. Migraines persisted, so I consulted an alternative doctor who tested me and found I was allergic to almost everything. He put me on a special diet, but it didn’t help much.
In 2008, I became pregnant again, this time with twins, using the same ovulation-stimulating injections. This pregnancy was challenging, with bleeding early on, and I lost a third baby within the first trimester. The twins were delivered prematurely at eight months, healthy but through a difficult C-section. Afterward, I experienced excessive bleeding that wouldn’t stop. The gynecologists only put me through repeated, exhausting treatments and prescribed hormonal pills. I was too weak to care for my children properly and struggled even to get out of bed. I breastfed the babies for just one month as I lacked the energy to continue.
About a year after this, I had a hysterectomy, leaving my ovaries intact. I was 36. I thought this surgery would improve things, but nothing changed—pain, fatigue, and the same symptoms remained. Doctors tried to convince me that I was simply depressed. I went from one specialist to another with no answers. Finally, at my own request, I saw a rheumatologist who, again at my insistence, tested for autoimmune diseases. The results showed I had lupus. Later diagnoses included fibromyalgia and IBS.
I chose to decline traditional treatment and sought my own path. I began with alternative medicine, which provided some help but didn’t cure me. The process was lengthy and costly, with only my husband working while I was unable to contribute, caring for three children. Although I was advised to eat only warm foods, I observed that eating salads and fruits gave me more energy and made me feel better overall. So, I gradually transitioned to a raw food diet, and the improvements were noticeable. I looked healthier and more vibrant, and I felt like life had returned to my body. I began walking barefoot, practicing sungazing, and meditating. A whole new world seemed to open up to me, one I hadn’t realized existed. I felt deeply connected to nature, hugging trees and marveling at every color and every living creature. I was alone in this experience, as my family remained in their own world.
My body, creativity, and passion for life came alive again. I no longer needed to see doctors, and my rheumatologist even said my results were astonishing, calling me a miracle case. He did mention, however, that I still had some inflammation in my body but that as long as I maintained this lifestyle, I was managing it well.
It wasn’t until later that I learned about the raw vegan community—I had already been on this path for some time. This lifestyle change transformed everything for me, including the people around me wanted to explore the world, to find freedom… I wanted to learn and help others. In 2018, Face Yoga came into my life. I began working with women, diving into different areas of their lives, helping them transform and reconnect with themselves through Face Yoga. I also incorporated changes in diet, meditation, and exercise. I truly enjoy my work and the opportunity to support others. Soon, interviews and television appearances followed…
That’s what brings me immense happiness—serving others. In this way, I also receive. I feel incredible joy knowing that I’ve passed on the knowledge I’ve gathered over the years to people who had lost hope. Just to clarify, I haven’t invented anything new.
This knowledge was gathered from others; I am simply a messenger.